Thursday, 8 December 2011

Blog Task

We had the task of searching through blogs, looking at content, user friendliness, layout and so on.
Here is three that stood out to me the most:

The first one that caught my attention was a blog created by the father of a two year old girl, who is now 5, in which his daughter has set him 'briefs' of what to draw and then 'critiqued' them in her own way. The layout is a simplistic, white background and the only colour you see is that of Bill Zeman's art work. His level of skill in his illustrating captured my attention, showing he is putting effort into these drawings that his daughter is requesting.

 This screen shot is how his blogs are set up, the harsh critiquing is more than likely what has giving him such following on 'Tiny Art Director' blog.  Zeman also has an illustration site and a portfolio site so this is just a fun blog for people to enjoy.

The second blog that caught my attention: As soon as this blog loaded I instantly saw the blog '45 Most Powerful images of 2011'  I clicked on one of the images and it took me to another website with all of the 45 images on, powerful technically strong images showing the horror of tragedies people have gone through, mostly in natural disasters or the twin towers attacks.  This is one of the good points of blogs, it is so easy to link to other sites so you don't have to fill up your blog with text or images if you don't want to, and it is also sharing other peoples work.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Fast Shutter Speeds Task

I was asked to go out and take photographs using different Shutter Speeds. I took a lot of photographs using fast Shutter speeds to capture movements interestingly! The first Image above is Katherine squeezing a coke bottle as an experiment with Mentos was not going to plan, when all else fails!
The image below that has a much calmer feel and looks much softer. I took Photographs of Jessie drinking her tea to capture the steam as she conversed with the other peers.

I'll continue experimenting with Shutter Speeds as I found it an interesting task.

-Ashleigh Sawyer

Friday, 21 October 2011

Photos of the public of Leeds

We got given the task of going out and taking photographs of people on the streets, with the DSLRs, just for further getting used to Manual settings.
A prospect I found a bit daunting as some people tend to be hostile when you randomly take photographs of them on the street, nonetheless I went on with it and it was fine, nobody shouted at me.

It was an interesting task because I came to realise how much people seem to relax themselves as they're walking, getting from A to B - whether they're rushing or not, they're not at their most aesthetically pleasing state, not in a bad way of course!

I have to say, a few of the shots I got did amuse me! These two above especially.^
I look forward to going out on the streets again.

-Ashleigh Sawyer

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Featherstone Castle

We took a trip to Featherstone Castle, an old grade 1 listed  haunted Castle in Northumberland.
This is a link to a Webpage about the Castles History! Clicky (:

As I love everything Gothic I was really looking forward to sleeping in an 11th Century (haunted) Castle for a few nights! I must say though, I'm very open to spirits and felt nothing apart from maybe a little chill for a few seconds in one of the higher  up rooms. Anyway! back to the real reason we went...
We went to 'get to know each other' and 'get used to the equipment' Which I felt was quite successful (:

We used Reflectors ;

& Flash Guns(external flash);

for the first time, granted we all had to work together as a team and help each other if we needed a bit of help remembering things and what-not, but I found it helpful nonetheless having the extra practice.
 We also used the trip to get more used to Manual settings on the Canons, Which I definitely needed to get more used to as my own DSLR is a Sony A200!

 I found myself doing a lot of 'test' shots as I was getting used to the Manual Settings(and just out of plain nosiness for seeing things in different exposures really):

Me, Jessie and Katherine carried about eight mattresses from around the Castle Dorms, to make a kind of Princess and the P kind of scene to photograph each other on! However we didn't get around to shooting until around 18:00-18:30, so the lighting was poor and we found the reflectors becoming less effective as natural lighting from the small window diminished. Alas the idea was there!
We also collected different patterned blankets and pillows to add more texture to the images and paid close attention to the order we piled our mattresses (as there was different patterns on them also) we put the mattresses and blankets on at different angles and arranged blankets in a draping fashion to create a rugged dishevelled look. It was enjoyable to make, we just should of started it much earlier on in the day.

These next four images that I took are obviously too dark, but it shows the set up we were going for and a reflector in one of the images :P

 The Reflector helped even out the light in this a little^

I wasn't liking it being so close and not showing the whole bed so I changed positions a little and made the camera portrait on the Tripod. The whole new composition, to me made the Photographs look so much better apart from very poor lighting.

In my opinion using external flash would just give this set up a very artificial look, not really what I was going for. So I didn't use the Flash Gun on this.

We also made Camera Obscuras! Which was amazing and everybody should try it at least once in their life time. We used black paper and masking tape to black out completely the dorm, our window frames were very crumbled so it took us a bit longer than expected as there were small gaps of light getting through. It was worth the effort though. We used a craft knife to cut out a small hole in the black paper, in the middle and amazingly the whole of the outside of the castle visible from the window was immediately brought inside the room, we could see the sheep and clouds moving as we stood in awe, momentarily, pretty much proud of ourselves for succeeding. 
 Here's another onslaught of photographs!

(What the room looked like without said Camera

The Images of the actual thing; 

 The first images of the Camera Obscura, we held up a white piece of paper, quite close to the small hole in the black paper, and got a really crystal clear vision of the outside surroundings. We also bent thee paper in different ways to create abnormal angled views of it.

Without the piece of paper!; 

With the two above we found our selves holding the shutter button down for 60-70 seconds (counting out loud!) to get the correct exposure to show the Camera Obscura well.
The two Photographs above we introduced movement as we thought it was quite a sinister-looking setting. The first we told the model to move faster than the camera picked up in the 60 second exposure, so in the second image, we got our two models to do a different movement every 20 seconds, this was more successful than the first try.

We got a Flashlight, and wrote out the word 'CASTLE' just to experiment more with the long exposures! The word 'CASTLE' was just because we were inside a Castle.
This was to show a fuzzy mixed-up thought pool in the models head, as often when laying down or going to bed, people will be thinking a lot about everything that's going on in their lives. Although, it wasn't too successful as you can see Bonnie's feet!

These last three images were based on the Castles history of being haunted, we wanted to produce eerie looking photographs to relate to the female spirits that apparently roam around the castle.

Using Reflectors, I used a Reflector to bounce light from the window back onto the darker side(Izzie's right side) Next two Images:

These two images show slight Split Lighting, in a natural way.^

Here's some example of us using External Flash, Me being the model, Bonnie taking the Photographs and Izzie holding the Flash. Me, Izzie and Bonnie were working together to determine the best ways to use External Flash, we ended up using the Flash from a low angle pointing from my left, giving a not so dramatic effect. 

I felt a bit hindered as we had to share one camera between three + and found it hard to get a 'turn' to learn how to use the equipment well and take photographs, although I'll remember to bring my own Camera next time we go on a trip to prevent such things happening!
Also I took a disposable camera! So I'll have plenty of Candid shots to see when I develop it.
Overall, it was a good experience.

-Ashleigh Sawyer

Self Portrait Task

During Summer I was assigned a task, this was to be four images that went well with each other, basically, not just four random images of  myself.
I'm a naturally quiet person, therefore I end up using my eyes/face to say things or show how I'm feeling rather than vocally letting it be known!
So, that being said I decided to show this in my task...

I'd been meaning to buy a Shutter Release Cable, this task gave me the push to do it! After a bit of getting used to the equipment, I shot my images using the cable. I have to say I wouldn't have gotten these sharp in-focus results without the use of my Cable Release.
I wanted my face to stay in the same place in the composition and the Cable Release enabled that. The lighting I used gave me small catch lights in my eyes that, had not been there, would of made the image a lot more stale - dead looking.

On being projected very large in the Seminar Room, the images looked sharp, definitely no camera shake, which I was glad about, although I did use a Tripod to prevent this anyway.
It's obvious that I'm using my eyes to communicate something(rolling my eyes, if you hadn't noticed!), this ends with a smile(also something I do A LOT) so to me, this project was successful. There is no having to guess what I'm doing or deep thought into it, it's just out there, in the open. No confusion.
Also, when I was showing this, my peers were asked 'Does this show Ashleigh for who she is?' every one giggled replying with 'definately' and 'yes'...

I'm happy with my results.

-Ashleigh Sawyer

Thursday, 29 September 2011

The Ways of Looking Festival ^.^

I'll be going to the Ways of looking Festival in Bradford with my peers soon. This Festival runs all through  October,(1st-31st to be exact). 2011's Festival is exploring the theme of 'EVIDENCE'

Photographers such a Red Saunders, Jeremy Deller and Donovan Wylie will have their works showcased there - although one in particular photographers work I'd like to see is Craig Ames.

Craig Ames work began when he took training to be an Evidence Photographer while serving in the British Army. His job was documenting terrorist scenes of crime in Northern Ireland, which proved to be a catalyst for developing his fascination with the medium of Photography, this was all around 1991. Since then he has developed a range of interest for areas such as History, Politics, Science, Law and Conflict.

The thing that drew me to Ames' work when I was researching the Festival is the text that goes with his Photographs.
The text is titled 'Serious Incident Report'
Beneath the title headings are :
  • Type of incident
  • Location of incident
  • Units involved
  • Date of incident
  • Witnessed and reported by
And Mainly (?)
  • Witness statement
Making the Image aside it much more than just a snap shot, but a story! As you read the text you get a real feel for what has 'happened', which then in a way forces the viewer to put their emotions to the Photograph, it makes people think about how horrific the situation may have been etc.

This series to me, doesn't just seem like a series you could just quickly glance past in a gallery, it is a series that gets the viewer involved, this is why I definitely think it would be interesting to see. I'll look forward to it.

- Ashleigh Sawyer